Gallery142 Felixstowe
So pleased to have painted the new Wall Art for Felixstowe
Thanks so much Felixstowe and 142 Gallery, your new wall art is up and it looks magnificent!
137 visitors over 6 painting days
Lots of lovely under-layers building up a visual treat for you to come on in and take a closer look
Notice that glitter in the blue supermoon and the pathway to that moon!
Path To The Moon
I long to sail the path to the moon
On a deep blue night when the wind is cool
A glistening path that runs out to sea
Silver the sails carry to me
To carry, carry, carry me over the sea
So will I sail on a starry night
On the path to the moon, a seabird's flight
Skimming the waves where the fishes play
Traveling on for many a day
Silver the sails carry to me
To carry, carry, carry me over the sea
Eric Thiman
The WallArt, on the outside (Gainsborough Road side) of the 142 Gallery is an 8ft square piece of art that changes every few months. We think there may have been about 14 created to date. Their 'almost billboard' size means they can be enjoyed at a distance as you walk or drive along Hamilton Road .Each piece is an original artwork by a different artist - usually created in the gallery itself so that visitors to the gallery can enjoy watching it take shape. We, the 142 team, greatly appreciate the work the artists put into creating these huge pieces of art and, from the feedback we receive, we know they are very much enjoyed and eagerly anticipated by the people of Felixstowe. There is a notice board next to the WallArt which gives information about the artist and the artwork . These WallArts are usually offered for sale - choice of the artist.