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Strange title you may think? but pretty logical if you think about it the way I might!  The issue here was that there is one  magpie - thats not good - one for sorrow. BUT two sheep - two sheep  for joy? No, doesnt really go.  So one magpie - two sheep - makes with the horse three animals - and there you have it - I know there are four animals in total really but ... what can I say - it is, what it is I'm afraid!  The '1 + 2 makes 3' sat with me nicely so it stays.


Ok the painting - the darkness of the blue night looks just right next to  brilliance and brightness of the white chunky frame - and the leaf detailing along the bottom is just genius  - ha ha  - seriously though - its nice so take a closer look.


30x30cm - on deep canvas in the chunky white frame





1 + 2 makes 3

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